According to the letter of the Federal State Autonomous Institution «Fund for New Forms of Education Development» dated 11.02.2019 No. 115 «On the approval of the list of educational organizations» on the basis of 6 secondary schools of the Aginsky district, Digital and Humanitarian Education Centers will be created as part of the implementation of the federal project «Modern School» of the national project «Education» in 2019. The 45 schools of the Trans-Baikal Territory participating in the project included:
1. MBOU «Amitkhashinskaya Secondary School» s. Amitkhash,
2. MBOU «Urda-Aginskaya secondary school named after G.Zh.Tsybikov «p. Urda-Aga,
3. MOU «South Argaleyskaya secondary school» s. South Argaley,
4. MOU «Tsokto-Khangilskaya secondary school named after Ch-L. Bazarona «with. Tsokto-Khangil,
5. MOU «Guney school» s. Gunay,
6. MBOU «Kunkur secondary school named after Hero of Socialist Labor Dashidondok Tsydenovich Purbuev «p. Kunkur.